Finite Finch Laddice Update

Sunday, Jan. 02 2022, 02:12:05 PM
Edited: Monday, Feb. 21 2022, 02:49:19 PM
All User Communication

Happy New Year Laddice Users!

We’re excited to kick 2022 off with some Laddice enhancements! Our Finite Finch update (also known as 1.1. 13) is live now and you’ll notice:

Easier ways to share and send notifications:

The share button has moved to the main blue panel of the document.

Open the full share menu to add projects or users. You can also use this menu to send messages to anyone with access to the document.

Use the NEW! Quick Share button to quickly add users:

Updated comments

Comments will now default visibility to match the anchor document it’s attached to. You still have full control to make comments private, public, or shared with select users.

Enhanced search capabilities

We’ve streamlined the filter toolbar and added improvements to the default search to more effectively find and order what you’re looking for using an improved sort algorithm. There’s also additional information available like when a document was last modified and images within a document.

NEW! Copy document function

Duplicate a document with all of its functions by selecting the down arrow in the top document panel and chose to copy it with or without the original document’s timestamps.

Drag/Drop functionality

Drag and drop document links directly into your document to make connecting resources and making lists faster than ever!

Open the document you’d like to add another document link to.

Select, drag, and drop the document from the List/Filter view into the document you’re making your reference in.

Check out your new links!

Version Visibility

You can now see which version of Laddice you’re using and when it was released so you know when updates are made. For instance, this version is 1.13.30 aka Finite Finch.

Final Thoughts

And that’s not all! We’ll be sharing the list of total updates later this week so stay tuned.

If you experience any issues with these enhancements, please leverage our Report a problem button in the top panel. You can also reach out to Alex, Ben, or Tara any time with questions, concerns, and our favorite, feedback!

We’re excited to kick off the new year with so many improvements. Part of our new year’s resolution is to push more updates and create better communication with all of you so expect to be hearing from us more often in 2022!

Talk soon!


Communications, Project AMPLE

 azichettello - 3 years, 1 month ago Open

Hey Tara, do you think you can add this document to the Project: Laddice (Tara) so I can add the version tag?


 louis - 3 years, 1 month ago Open

Nice work! And happy new year!
