(Human head) hair is an evolved electromagnetic detection system

Monday, Feb. 25 2019, 06:35:50 AM
Edited: Wednesday, Nov. 13 2024, 06:26:12 AM


submitted 2018-08-03T02:28:55+00:00 2018-09-22T12:00:25+00:00 by The_Noble_Lie

Human head hair seems to be unique amongst the animal kind. The closest to it seems to be manes of lions.

Human head hair grows to a certain preprogrammed length (alternatively for anywhere between 2 and 7 years depending on diet, genetics, how much poison you've taken on) then stops, and enters the final phase, eventually falling out.

Hair is generally constructed of keratinous proteins which have been observed to form crystalline super helices (clusters of helix shapes)

For this reason, hair is not too unlike, in form, to DNA which has fairly recently been shown to emit biophotons at coherent but negligibly (hard to detect) powered wavelengths.

See helical antenae for more information, but in general, helix is an inducting shape...meaning could serve as electron carriers which, on moving generate a distinct E&M field receiver and emitter ( antennas can work both ways.) Photons (information) are generated by moving electrons if you weren't aware.

Hair is connected to the surface of our scalp (actually slightly under our scalp) which is in closest proximity to our neo cortex. Coincidence? Yes... (hair is literally coincident with our neocortex, the physical manifestation of the most evolved intelligence implementation known to mankind)

No, its not a coincidence in the sense of being "random" or "odd". Its as if hair is a continuation of neo cortex. At the minimum, nerve stimulation due to disturbed hair follicles (physical movement in 3D space, not electromagnetic) is extremely sensitive, and is a powerful extension to the sense of feeling. Im proposing hair picks up electromagnetic radiation, or perhaps an aetheric field ( I'll save that for another time) and sends that information straight back to our brain.

Next up, most anecdotal is what follows. Feel free to ignore:

Cicadas are observed to be attracted to lawn mowing equipment. In other words, and reading between the lines at that, they are either attracted to electromagnetism (motors) or sound. Im going with the former since its evolutionarily shitty to be attracted to loud dangerous sounds such as lawn mowers. So, on growing my hair for the first time in life (27 years of age) ive had two separate instances where a cicada flies straight into my head. This is only cicadas, and both times I was pretty stunned that their navigation system was so fucked as to collide in this manner. Now was this my hair? Im leaning towards that hypothesis

Feel free to brainstorm with me on this one...Would appreciate the help greatly.

all 113 comments

  • 49 2018-08-03T03:53:52+00:00

    • Native American chiefs and South American shamans all had long hair. They often stated it was what allowed them to have a connection to spirits and other dimensions.

      Monks shave their heads because they're trying to quiet their minds of all distraction and outside influence. They are severing that connection.

    • Dances_with_vimanas 2018-08-03T09:17:43+00:00

      • There are some monks who have very long hair.


        I saw a documentary in which one of the oldest monks cut his hair (which was super long) and they explained that they do that if they think they will die soon.

        A separate example is the occult interest that was popular with high-ranking people in Nazi Germany. Vril. The women would have very long hair because they believed it would be a sort of receiver for Vril. Women were also mediums.

      • 1 point The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-04T01:09:06+00:00

        • Thanks so much for this. Vril was mentioned a few times in this thread. Definitely going to research it.

        • 1 point Dances_with_vimanas 2018-08-04T08:44:07+00:00

          • And if you are interested in that sort of energy/ life energy then watch some documentaries on Wilhelm Reich.

    • The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-03T13:30:30+00:00

      • This does seem to support the theory. Im trying to lay down an electromechanical framework for what our ancestors were on to!

  • 20 Skayruss 2018-08-03T03:05:28+00:00

    • You know what this reminded me of?


      The Na’vi and connecting via their hair to the wildlife and their Great Tree.

    • 11 PlayfulDesk 2018-08-03T04:49:44+00:00

      • The Na'vi are obviously themed after the native americans. There are many truths hidden in that movie.

      • Skayruss 2018-08-03T13:23:26+00:00

        • Less Native American though they are an obvious factor, whoever really lived in tune with their environment as well.

          As for truths, there’s a little bit in everything and it’s all right in front of us. I’m starting to notice things popping out that I never saw before.

    • The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-03T11:36:40+00:00

      • Fascinating connections. Thanks for that. Yes that movie spelled ot out in a directly physical way. Yet we look at our data structure and theyre heading wireless amongst the trillions (infinite) of bands / frequencies possible.

  • 10 2018-08-03T08:40:13+00:00

    • Do you think spiritual beings are electromagnetic? Hence why we feel a certain chill or hair raising sensation in potentially paranormal situations.

    • The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-03T11:40:55+00:00

      • We also get a chill (raised hair) sometimes when some weird coincidence that inspires imagination occurs (aha moments, moments of clarity, religious moments)

        I cant comment on literal spiritual beings, but the commonality would be temporarily enhanced communication with the outside electromagnetic world, antenna gains rigidity?

        Note that this mechanism actually seems not to occur on head hair (horripulations - bumped, raised hair follicles)

      • 7 2018-08-03T12:49:51+00:00

        • sometimes I get a chill when listening to some great music. I notice rock musicians often have long hair.

  • OB1_kenobi 2018-08-03T14:34:30+00:00

    • In addition to the hair on your head, you've got hair on your legs, arms etc. These hairs are very sensitive to static electricity.

      rub a balloon on some wool and then put it close to your head or arm. You can see the closest hairs being moved by the static charge.

      So I could easily see us being able to sense environmental electrical charge at a level that we're barely aware of. One kind of charge might make a place feel "creepy" and another might make a place feel "right".

      To take this one step further, think about what nice places feel like. Waterfalls, the beach, a nice grassy meadow with flowers, a forest or a gentle breeze.

      How about creepy places? An attic or a dank cellar. A cave perhaps?

      We like places with sunlight and circulating fresh air. Places with high levels of natural anions. We don't like places without sunlight or good circulation. Places that might have very low levels of anions.

      So maybe your head neck and arm hair are part of a sensory mechanism for sensing local EM conditions?

    • josalek 2018-08-03T18:24:49+00:00

      • Reading through the comments, it got me thinking a lot. Thanks for the balloon reminder. This is so interesting. Now, I'm wondering if there is something about nails also. Cause I know some people let their nails grow very long. I wonder if there is something about that too.

    • 1 point The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-04T01:02:55+00:00

      • This is a great contribution. Thanks so much.

        Plausible reason for hair evolving these abilities (or being granted / gifted, whatever your persuasion)

        Edit: and perhaps why corporate america don't like long hair (clean cut preferred.) They want you inside by your computer (low or no anions based on my peremptory understanding)

        Also i didnt mention it in OP but ive read some animals including cats, have fur that literally produces vitamin D on sun hitting it then they lick it to digest the vitamins. When you mentioned sunny places (sunlight actually) I was reminded of this. Just another example of hair developing capabilities which are pretty awesome / surprising.

      • 1 point OB1_kenobi 2018-08-04T13:16:10+00:00

        • When you pat a cat, the friction generates anions (cat ions are not cations ;)) and maybe it's part of the reason why patting your cat has such a calming effect.

        • The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-04T15:51:15+00:00

          • I got a cat. Can anecdotally confirm petting cats is nice / soothing. Thanks for the additional info about cats haha

            My cat also seems moderately interested in my hair...

  • 13 2018-08-03T04:46:56+00:00

    • I have dreadlocks. The longer they become the more energetic I feel. I would say they are human antennas if anything. Your post makes perfect sense. Must be why the U.S. military makes everyone keep their head shaved.

    • followupquestions 2018-08-03T11:42:43+00:00

      • Must be why the U.S. military makes everyone keep their head shaved

        Hygiene and low maintenance.

      • 4 2018-08-03T11:43:29+00:00

        • So it is limited to those two specific reasons? Lol

        • 1 point followupquestions 2018-08-03T11:47:11+00:00

          • No of course not, uniformity, compliance, discipline. I am sure there is more )

          • shadowofashadow 2018-08-03T19:56:53+00:00

            • Hand to hand combat was one of the main reasons I think. You give your opponent something very useful to grab on to if you have long hair. Very hard to get out of a grip on your hair and the person can control your head which is huge in a fight. Also it gets in your eyes of course.

    • chirya_ai 2018-08-03T15:30:06+00:00

      • totally. I always recall this article-type thing about the native scout mercenaries with the us military that had better tracking/scouting skills when they had their long hair that somehow vanished when their hair was cut.

        always wished there would be more info on this type of stuff, but never really found much more beyond that. Aside from my own anecdotes of life with a beard and sensations of the force

      • The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-04T01:01:30+00:00

        • Yes I found this article too and it was a dead end. Definitely food for thought

        • 1 point chirya_ai 2018-08-04T21:35:49+00:00

          • so much food. want all the food

          • The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-06T12:27:39+00:00

            • Well no not enough here. We need people to experiment and be open to slight changes. No internet article is going to help us here. Maybe books in ancient libraries..

            • 1 point chirya_ai 2018-08-06T20:02:37+00:00

              • if the knowledge is truth, then does it matter if it's in electrons or ink?

                maybe the libraries are within our minds and the books are our memories. this is making my eyebrows tingle

              • The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-06T22:03:03+00:00

                • Hah, indeed the knowledge may be in our collective psyche, but knowledge (wherever it resides, ink, electron , consciousness) without action doesnt get us very far. Especially this type of knowledge which has such actionable, easy steps to take (try growing out your head hair)

                  This topic makes my hair tingle as well.

                  Btw, it is written in ancient books such as the story of Samson...But i try to avoid mentioning the Bible since it turns people off who are not used to the symbolism

                • 1 point chirya_ai 2018-08-07T02:40:58+00:00

                  • oh cool, I'll check out the story of Samson. Any other recommendations you got?

                    I've experimented for myself as well, i pay attention when I get spidey-senses in my beard and such. I recently started growing out my head hair as well so we'll see how that goes

                  • 1 point The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-07T18:52:54+00:00

                    • Well in a very abstract sense, growing hair makes one closer to "God". Someone posted in this thread a cool quote "im letting God grow a garden on my head"


                      The point is that one is closer to his / her natural "God" intended shape / form.

                    • 1 point chirya_ai 2018-08-09T15:04:36+00:00

                      • you still gotta prune the garden, bud lmaooo

    • -1 varikonniemi 2018-08-03T09:55:00+00:00

      • Dreadlocks are sure to interfere with the natural resonance, the question is will it enhance or degrade the effect of the hair?

      • Sharkytrs 2018-08-03T13:57:24+00:00

        • I'd say the opposite, it naturally goes that way if you let it.

      • 2 2018-08-03T11:14:03+00:00

        • I’m sorry but you have no clue what your talking about. I’m black. If black people did nothing to their hair do you know what would be the result, dreadlocks. However, I have to keep mine twisted for business purposes. Dreadlocks date back farther than I can count in almost every ancient civilization I can think of

        • varikonniemi 2018-08-03T11:19:53+00:00

          • Dreadlocks are made with huge effort, wax and shit. What comes naturally is just locks.

          • SH0EB0X 2018-08-03T21:39:30+00:00

            • little effort is required. separation and washing is about it. wax will only hinder the process.

          • -1 2018-08-03T11:23:28+00:00

            • I’m assuming your white. It’s called beeswax. That’s what white people and people with lighter skin tones have to do because they were never meant to have it. They also have to go long periods of time without washing them so they can lock up. I use all natural products. Tea tree oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil.. etc. all organic. Every month or so using all natural products I pay someone to twist the new growth into the dreadlock it goes around. Again, using all natural products. I wash it every two weeks with dr bronners all natural soap. You shouldn’t speak on things you have no clue about.

            • varikonniemi 2018-08-03T11:26:17+00:00

              • Same, same. If you had it naturally you would not do anything to it, especially not have someone dread it.

            • BassBeerNBabes 2018-08-03T23:17:10+00:00

              • I have probably one step away from the whitest white guy hair, but I get dreads if I disregard my hair longer than a week.

            • 2 2018-08-03T12:47:36+00:00

              • nah he's right you gotta put shit in to get dreads

                all that beeswax and shit will stop the electricity conducting

                if you did nothing you'd have an afro

                black people get dreads cuz they're trying to get hair more flowing like white people have

              • BlackLion91 2018-08-04T17:53:32+00:00

                • Lmfao.... Nah bro. You get an afro by combing your hair out with an afro-pick. How else are you meant to make those super tight curls straighten into an afro???

                  If I do nothing, I get fat doinky locks like Sideshow Bob/TheWeeknd several inches thick all over my head. No beeswax, no twisting necessary. It just dries like that after a shower.

                  black people get dreads cuz they're trying to get hair more flowing like white people have

                  This is fucking hilarious though

                  Edit: Lol I wanna know who is upvoting that nonsense up there... Have any of you ever actually asked a black person about their hair? Y'know, you don't have to be scared... We're everywhere, just talk to us 😂😂😂

                • 1 point 2018-08-05T00:11:41+00:00

                  • facts hurt

                  • BlackLion91 2018-08-05T03:59:16+00:00

                    • Lmao you are clueless... Carry on

              • 1 point 2018-08-03T12:47:57+00:00

                • Who are you responding to

              • 1 point SH0EB0X 2018-08-03T21:43:21+00:00

                • you dont have to put shit into it. if you do nothing to it, youll still end up with dreads. although maybe just one big one. try not brushing for a month and let me know what happens.

              • -1 2018-08-03T13:42:11+00:00

                • You two are the most misinformed idiots I have ever talked to on Reddit. Black men used to put relaxers in their hair to be like white men and black woman put harmful chemicals in their hair present day to try to look like white woman. Most black people are actually afraid of getting dreadlocks because they are looked down upon. White people swear they are the pinnacle of existence. I hate to burst your bubble but your not. Everyone isn’t trying to be like you. It’s funny you think that though

                • 3 2018-08-03T13:45:29+00:00

                  • it's sad how society has made you racist

                  • 4 2018-08-03T13:46:29+00:00

                    • You just said that black people get dreadlocks because they are trying to be like white people? And I’m racist for defending that? Tell you what. Go cut your brakes on your car and head out onto the interstate

                    • kevinh97 2018-08-03T14:28:19+00:00

                      • Defend yourself? You literally said white people swear they are the pinnacle of existence

                    • SH0EB0X 2018-08-03T16:28:58+00:00

                      • id say youre racist for implying people with lighter skin tones have hair that doesnt knot and have to use wax to pretend they have locks. wax is useless, even detrimental. everyones hair will lock up, given the chance.

            • 1 point SomeHugeFrigganGoy 2018-08-05T01:30:24+00:00

              • I thought there was some procedure involving banding clumps of hair together in thick strings that would eventually turn into "mattes" - kinda like what long haired cats get. After a while you can just remove the bands and what remains is dreads...I thought.

                I remember reading something like that like a decade ago when I thought I might try to have dreads as a lighter skinned guy. I never did it though.

                I didn't think you really needed products though?

            • 1 point SomeHugeFrigganGoy 2018-08-05T01:30:40+00:00

              • I thought there was some procedure involving banding clumps of hair together in thick strings that would eventually turn into "mattes" - kinda like what long haired cats get. After a while you can just remove the bands and what remains is dreads...I thought.

                I remember reading something like that like a decade ago when I thought I might try to have dreads as a lighter skinned guy. I never did it though.

                I didn't think you really needed products though?

        • 1 point HeathenMama541 2018-08-03T20:10:25+00:00

          • I think the dreads would condense and intensify the energy.

  • felixilef 2018-08-03T14:57:40+00:00

    • They have just come out with some really interesting research about electromagnetism and spiders. The spiders detect electromagnetism with tiny hairs on their legs and then use their ability to shoot web to fly. Well this is the short explanation ofc. I’d recommend looking into it it blew my mind for sure and I think you’re onto something. Edit: I also think the chemicals and products we are suggested to use by society are downright bad for the hair and the head. I’ve always washed my hair about once or twice a week and never got called out on it but many people wash with these harsh chemicals on the daily or even twice a day. I think there is correlation between not using these chemicals on the hair and being more spiritually aware .

    • josalek 2018-08-03T18:28:45+00:00

      • I don't even use soap and my hair is amazing. Just water and deep scrubbing does the trick! I fully agree with your statement regarding chemicals. But this apply for so much other things. Like sunscreen. Our body absorbs a lot of what we put on it. If you wouldn't eat something, I suggest you don't put it on you haha!

    • 1 point The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-04T01:04:19+00:00

      • These are the types of leads which I posted this thread for! Thanks. If true, that is just plain awesome.

      • 1 point felixilef 2018-08-04T01:17:02+00:00

        • I think humans must be more related to spiders than we think.. seriously what other creature has these tiny baby hairs besides elephants, spiders.. both animals known for memory/mental technique... very cool

        • The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-04T02:32:04+00:00

          • I dont think its necessarily we are closer to them with respect to the plethora of animal species. But our evolutionary paths may have separately tapped into the domain of the electromagnetic.

  • 3 2018-08-03T09:47:44+00:00

    • 2 tangential comments:

      I also had a bug fly into my face yesterday while I was walking my dog. it was a big one and I got pretty angry.

      RE:long hair. I will never forget this one woman I knew who had dreads that she did not cut (she was into that Santo Daime thing) and I was next to her once when a little girl came up to her and asked "why does you hair look like that" to which she replied "I'm letting God grow a garden on my head". I thought that was really cute

    • The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-03T11:43:12+00:00

      • Do you have long hair? I am trying to survey this. Id like to see if there is some blatant discrepancy between collisions with faces, and what type of hair and hair style they were wearing.

        I'm letting God grow a garden on my head

        That was indeed an awesome response. I may re use that line. Dreads do look more like plants, so that's even cooler now that I think of it.

      • 2 2018-08-03T12:08:47+00:00

        • no, I have a buzz and some fading action on the sides and back.

        • The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-03T13:35:18+00:00

          • Ah ok thanks for the info. That doesnt support this theory. It is so weird though since its never happened in my life until I had long hair, then happened multiple times within a month. Both cicadas, in different states.

  • 2 2018-08-03T23:08:35+00:00

    • haha, there is an argument about dreadlocks in this thread

    • 1 point The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-04T01:05:27+00:00

      • In retrospect , of course, and its fucking retarded.

        Theres something to dreadlocks ... just for the reason western society looks down upon it. Its too easy

      • 2 2018-08-04T10:39:07+00:00

        • if a man is going bald, what is the right move?

          keep the sides, or go full on smooth skull wax?

          im partial to full on baldness in cases like that.

          the harder one is when a man is going gray...what to do...what to do?

  • 1 point SuccessfulGuest4 2019-01-09T02:14:38+00:00

    • I stumbled on to your post while I was doing research in to the electro-magnetics of hair. I have a totally different reason for researching this topic but, I wanted to make a comment about electro-magnetics & spiritual beings since I saw those questions in the list of posts here. I have been in spiritual circles for years so this was easy to offer further research. All spiritual beings are electro magnetic, but to research this, a good first one to mention is Kryon, who is here specifically for magnetics. The being announces itself (through a person who channels him) as "Kryon, of Magnetic Service" as he is the creator of the earth grid, which is electro-magnetic. On a slightly different note: I had attended a week-long training with Steven Greer who champions disclosure about ET's. It was at this training that I learned there are electro-magnetic readings that come from crop circles and sounds can even be recorded. This is a way to tell if they are genuine as the readings will be present. The crops that are affected are not stomped down, but have been 'edited' to have a bend in the shaft (like an elbow) that does not harm the plants processes. Whatever being is making the crop circles makes sure it does not harm the crops or vitality, but it does leave an electro-magentic signature. Thanks for the topic and interesting comments.

    • The_Noble_Lie 2019-01-09T19:19:48+00:00

      • First time im hearing this information. Very fascinating and thanks for taking the time to comment.

        Is this Kryon entity proposed to be beneficient? Or maleficient?

        As for your other point. I lean towards the following: that there really are no ETs at least in the physical plane, and they exist in scientifically unknown electromagnetic spectrum or are veiled by (or really are) the forces we measure in the physical plane.

        This actually aligns with crop circles,based on what you are saying. Its not as if a UFO hovered over random fields, but entities chose a location to manipulate our 3D waking reality.

        Either that or it's all a prank (humans seeking attentiom or contributing anonymous art). This is less likely if there is something electromagnetically common between all crop circles; this is the first im hearing about this amd I need to follow up...feel free to drop sources if you have any.

      • 1 point SuccessfulGuest4 2019-01-12T01:35:15+00:00

        • Kryon is most beneficient! Entities (which can be singular or collective energies so it's not necessarily some 'guy') are coming through human channels now very frequently to support humanity's shift to a new consciousness. They are serving us, as teacher & mentor and show up because there is a collective 'call' for them, by humanity, at a soul level. Their calling card is always having a much larger view of the situation than most humans have, conveying compassionate info, and always working to encourage wellbeing.

          If there is fear-mongering in the message it is usually a pretty sure sign that the info is tainted (sometimes with ego from the human channel) or messages can even be "implanted" through Voice of God technology. This is where you often find the fear porn, because these are manufactured attempts to get people to do things. I'm not personally super knowledgable on that last bit about the technology but you can research that yourself. It comes up related to MK Ultra, super soldiers, and sometimes ET abductions (which can actually be faked, as crazy as that sounds). There are suggestions that this VOG tech may be used on some of these people who do these seemingly random shootings (many of them claim to hear voices.) I had a roommate at an event who experienced this stuff. It's a frequency they put right in your head, like a radio, or someone talking, and you cannot turn it off. Enough to make you bat-sh*t crazy because it affects your sleep and everything.

          Discernment of anything that you take in from all these sources is very important. Lots of research helps understand the varieties out there.

          For the ET stuff... actually there are ETs on the physical plane. But you are also right that there are many not on the physical plane. They can inhabit human bodies, which some do, but not in a creepy way, like taking a host like in a movie. Their soul inhabits a body just like we do when we're born, (for fun, you could look up "walk-ins and soul braids") but they either retain their awareness of where they are from, or they have a process of 'waking up' to their reality once they are old enough to process it and then do something with it. They are here very purposefully, not as a take-over but they do all have their own goals with being here. The ones I've been aware of help to rally others through this transition that all of humanity is experiencing right now. Many people have no idea we are going through a consciousness shift and no problem if you aren't aware. It's happening regardless, people come to it in their own time. But there are a lot of people who are actively participating in it. The ET's who are not in this dimension supposedly have tech that can 'assist' them to switch dimensions. Steven Greer talked about "Consciousness-assisted technology" and "Technology assisted Consciousness". The consciousness is what puts you in any particular dimension. Humanity is going through a consciousness shift, and this is a big deal to the 'larger audience' that is watching because we will actually shift dimensions - which is in progress, slowly. (The jury is out about where we are right now, but 3D to 5D is the range we're in, and there is overlap, so some can already be in 5, some are still in 3. I'm not an expert and am not tied to exact specifics on this but understanding the general idea is helpful to know what people are talking about. I think of the dimensions as overlays, all sort of in the same space, but it's the frequency of the being that determines which 'reality' they are playing in and who they interact with.

          Some say we are all of ET origin! 🤔😳😄

          Here is an acknowledged expert on crop circles, Patty Greer (she is not related to Steven Greer that I'm aware of). She has been visiting & documenting crop circles for a long time. Patty Greer Films is the Youtube channel, and the name of the video I'm mentioning is "Crop Circle Series Ep# 3 - Patty Greer REAL + Fake Crop Circles" (I'm didn't know if I could put links in here. She's been hit by directed energy weapons, DEW, because of her attempts at disclosure. Please learn about DEW because people don't know this tech exists either, or they don't believe it could be used on regular people.In first 3 min of the video, she mentions electro-magnetics. Up to 8 min, she covers more details about crop circle characteristics. Up to 1/2 way point, she discusses a crop circle she could not “feel” like others which gave her insight in to how some crop circles are developing. That part was interesting for me because I thought they all had to have the electromagnetic signature. This one had an unusual origin, essentially conveyed by one group through intention/meditation, and this 'idea' was picked up by some other group who decided to create a design. So, I understood this one was not done by a non-physical source but rather by using actual humans who were sensitive to the message that had been "broadcast". They may never know that the design they created was 'requested' by another group. It's evidence of the super interesting interplay of how the invisible/categorized as non-scientific has been proving itself by creating these wild confirmations. There are a lot of stories like that, not necessarily of crop circles, but of one groups intentions being answered by a completely unrelated source, without their even realizing it. The group that meditated, or 'asked' for this circle were connected to QEG, a free energy device. That is an interesting story in itself (I read about their story back in 2014) since the engine runs on harmonics... once it is up to a certain frequency, it no longer needs any external energy input and runs indefinitely or until parts wear out. You can even increase the load on it and it doesn't need more energy to keep going, it's just perpetual motion. Can't wait until all this stuff stops being repressed!

          I saw your note farther down about "What if this electromagnetic hair system could be hijacked, disturbed, over stimulated, taken advantage of, increase sexual desire." Exactly, like the Voice of God tech! Can be used for good or evil.

  • 2 2018-08-03T03:59:11+00:00

    • So where do monks and their shaved heads fit into this? [sound of clanking of money wrench]

    • The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-03T11:53:51+00:00

      • As another points out in this thread, and is an obvious rebuttal if you were open and not wanting to clank wrenches.

        What if this electromagnetic hair system could be hijacked, disturbed, over stimulated, taken advantage of, increase sexual desire. Never did I postulate its all good. Maybe monks are ascetic even from the information highway of the hair...they choose to cut their connection intentionally and with maturity, spiritual guidance, tutors, masters etc.

        So yea, there is no clanking monkey wrench here, sorry.

    • 1 point PlayfulDesk 2018-08-03T04:48:39+00:00

      • I heard that it's a way to turn your back on beauty

  • 4 2018-08-03T10:33:49+00:00

    • I don't mean to discourage your thought process, but my house cat's hair has the same properties you describe. And the neighbor's cow. I did not see you specify what actually makes it in any way 'unique'.

      It is true that hair can 'detect' static fields in a way, because we (and our hairy animal friends) can feel the hair move. But we also feel it move when disturbed by wind, bugs, and whatever else happens by.

      Cicadas, specifically female cicadas, are attracted to all manner of vibrating machinery (hehe) because they think it's a group of extremely impressive male cicadas doing a mating call. It wasn't "evolutionarily shitty" to be attracted to this sound for the thousands of years before lawnmowers and angle grinders were invented.

    • The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-03T11:30:45+00:00

        • but my house cat's hair has the same properties you describe

        I surely described whay differs about human hair. Heres a little more info but also some previously mentioned where seemed fit.

        Its length is predetermined (based on time and date of growth really, I think?) and since the time span of growth is between 2 & 7 years(!) human hair can grow up to a meter, some genetic freaks even longer.

        The hair which is longest is coincident to the neocortex, the most advanced physical manifestation of intelligence. This was supppsed to lead the open reader to assume hair could have evolved naturally alongside the neocortex as additional information from the electromagnetic spectrum.

        is true that hair can 'detect' static fields in a way, because we (and our hairy animal friends) can feel the hair move. But we also feel it move when disturbed by wind, bugs, and whatever else happens by

        Sure this is proven and would make for a lame critical shower thought which should, imho tug on an edge of known reality. Im extending hair function to act as receiever (and potential emitter ) of wave energy / info.

        As for the cicadas, read it again, and note I said two things: anecdotal, and feel free to ignore. Sure thats the weakest and at the end of my post.

        But anyway, my account still anecdotally holds.

        Looked a little more into cicadas and whats called choruses

        Choruses: when [cicada] males synchronize their calls to establish chorusing centers and attract females.

        And also the reason for their unique sound, the tymbal.

        Im wondering if electric fields can excite these tymbal organs of the cicada (the thing they shake to make the whirring sound)

        Its sad you came in with a no attitude I must say

  • 1 point NGC2346 2018-08-03T05:06:43+00:00

    • That would also confirm how we kind of are Antennas for Consciousness to access the physical body

    • 1 point The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-03T11:44:41+00:00

      • Well I think DNA has similar properties as I described hair (see biophotons for more info). So sure, an extension would be every cell in our body is in contact, can emit, and receieve information from the electromagnetic world, its signals and fields.

        So you are saying it's consciousness which is activating this trillion antennae'd physical body (or maybe just brain cells DNA.) That's an awesome thought.

  • 1 point aeschenkarnos 2018-08-03T05:47:18+00:00

    • One way to verify this would be to examine the relative behavioural changes in older men who go bald, vs older men who retain their hair.

    • LoganLinthicum 2018-08-03T06:09:07+00:00

      • Not good verification, as it is hormone changes that cause hair loss, and those changes have a direct and pronounced effect on mood and behavior.

      • 3 2018-08-03T12:32:33+00:00

        • True but the hormone function is brain-controlled. This comment actually makes the rabbit hole deeper, when you think about the meta aspect of hormones, emotions and feelings, and the physical and biochemical aspects. It becomes a kind of hen and egg type of situation:)

      • The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-03T11:46:39+00:00

        • This is true, thanks for pointing out confounders

    • The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-03T11:49:56+00:00

      • Im not, at this point sure, science is going to be able to expound on the external behavioral difference in those with long hair, versus short or none. I dont think science has the patience or maturity to do so. It lacks the right instrument as well. Also im not sure we should expect differing behavior at all without practice or help from learned shamans.

  • 1 point stagon7 2018-08-03T07:35:19+00:00

    • I think Crowley had said something on this, don't quote me on it though.

      cba to look it up right now, bout to sleep. i'll maybe edit this comment if I remember in the morning

    • 1 point josalek 2018-08-03T18:29:35+00:00

      • Please do!

  • 1 point felixilef 2018-08-03T15:01:14+00:00

    • They have just come out with some really interesting research about electromagnetism and spiders. The spiders detect electromagnetism with tiny hairs on their legs and then use their ability to shoot web to fly. Well this is the short explanation ofc. I’d recommend looking into it it blew my mind for sure and I think you’re onto something.

  • 1 point 2018-08-03T16:16:20+00:00

    • in ww2 the usa army recruited native trackers. pros, the best, really good trackers. army cut off thier hair and they couldnt track anymore. next groupdidntget shaved and could track fine.

  • 1 point kundaliniorgasm 2018-08-03T18:07:20+00:00

    • Vril society is a good research topic about long hair.

      Also personally I am a woman with very long, thick, naturally strawberry blonde and I am extremely sensitive for sound and vibes.

    • The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-04T01:06:39+00:00

      • Cool, will look into Vril society.

        Might I ask if a cicada ever roamed into your head in your life?

      • 1 point kundaliniorgasm 2018-08-08T11:26:26+00:00

        • No, we don’t have them over here.

  • 1 point 2018-08-03T18:12:33+00:00

    • Do you have dreadlocks?

    • The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-04T01:07:04+00:00

      • Nope, longish black hair right now

  • 1 point 2018-08-03T11:27:12+00:00

    • You can’t work in corporate America with matted dreadlocks. Bob Marley did that.. they literally found bugs in his hair when he died. Lol I’m not containing this convo

    • The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-03T11:51:27+00:00

      • Hmm. Bugs in his hair when he died? Thats what you think relevent to bring to this convo?

        Im not suggesting matted dreadlocks. Clean hair is fine, but probably with just a few ingredients in your soap.

      • -2 2018-08-03T12:37:27+00:00

        • I already said that lol

        • 2 2018-08-03T12:52:51+00:00

          • bugs flying into bob's hair is similar to OP's thoughts on cicadas flying into hair.

          • The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-03T13:32:37+00:00

            • Ah yes this is true. Didnt think of it that way. The issue with western society is that it'll write it off as "that guy was dirty! Ew". Weve lost touch with our nature through over sanitation (daily sometimes two showers a day with harsh chemicals for one example)

            • 2 2018-08-03T13:37:19+00:00

              • the bugs could have been good cuz they'd eat other harmful bugs like lice or something I mean there are beneficial symbiotic relationships in nature all the time.

  • -5 2018-08-03T14:36:50+00:00

    • Well considering you are the only people on the face of this planet that has enslaved/caged every race of people on this planet I would think it’s safe to assume they feel that way. If you think people are trying to have hair like white people I would say it’s safe to assume you/they feel that way.

    • The_Noble_Lie 2018-08-03T19:08:02+00:00

      • Could you clarify what you mean / what this directed towards? Ill try my best to respond

    • 2 2018-08-03T19:41:32+00:00

      • What are you going on about?

    • G-Sleazy95 2018-08-04T22:49:41+00:00

      • You truly have no understanding of history if you honestly believe white people have been the only ones to enslave others...

    • 3 2018-08-03T16:56:08+00:00

      • what the hell are you even talking about? don't you think it's time to put aside your victim-hood complex?

 bzichett - 3 months, 1 week ago Open

Energy of Trees

The_Noble_Lie2m ago

A highly related topic for a few reasons: there is also an active conspiracy for males (actually both genders) to cut their head hair.

I found this conspiracy to be both overt and subtle at the same time - it is discretely hidden / blurred into the fabric of our society.

I wrote this post about 6 years ago; been meaning to flesh it out more: https://www.reddit.com/r/C_S_T/comments/945pqe/human_head_hair_is_an_evolved_electromagnetic/

I mean the best for humanity and it's natural body. AMA, really. Also, yes, trees ... all plants (Plantae and also Fungi) ... are expectedly .... energetic, just like any organism. All biological energetic fields interact, however subtly. They even interact with non-biological ones (well, all of this, by way of bidirectional emitter / reception / antennae-like phenomenon - one possibility of a few being long chains of, say nucleic acids acting as emitter / receiver)

Rocks (and all other matter) are also pretty neat though too.
