Thursday, Sep. 03 2015, 06:43:27 PM
Edited: Tuesday, Oct. 23 2018, 08:28:58 AM

I'm glad we call it "pinning" because my pin is anything but a "like" more like a "concerned"...

This really should be illegal. One thing not mentioned here is some measure of the efforts by these companies to influence deregulation...

 bzichett - 9 years, 5 months ago Open

Indeed. I guess you could like the fact the conglomerates are exposed in such a captivating infographic. I always knew Rupert Murdoch's tentacles reached much further than Fox News, but i didn't think Disney owned ABC, ESPN and Miramax (I knew it owned Marvel and Pixar)


 azichettello - 9 years, 5 months ago Open

Crazy stuff
