Thursday, Sep. 03 2015, 07:16:39 PM
Edited: Thursday, Sep. 03 2015, 07:17:24 PM

Bad...? (Not sure.) And yes I noticed that too. It'll be kind of weird to block since I'd have to parse for <img ... /> tags (probably with regular expressions) and stopping them from showing up on previews.

 azichettello - 8 years, 8 months ago Open

Or, limit the size of uploaded pictures for banners. You can instead allow embedded pictures in the content of the post?


 bzichett - 8 years, 8 months ago Open

P.S Alex: We discussed this in our last meeting, but I added something rather important to my sibling comment through editing and realize you wouldn't get an email. But since it's truncated to ~150 characters you might not realize.

But when clicking on the link, you obviously get the most updated text. In other words, the email is "stale" content. A bigger probelm presents itself when the edited comment (or in general Node.) is completely different than what the email says; if it was completely changed.

I was just reading about Hacker News and an implementation which discusses this difficult to handle weakness of editing comments, which tends to mess with systems such as pinning as well. (Imagine you want to return to someone's else thought, pin it, and when you return it was edited to be completely different.)


 bzichett - 8 years, 8 months ago Open

See, that is actually an embedded image (not a banner.) I'll switch it now, and it should clip on the left hand side in a unreasonable way.

Edited: added "un" to reasonable

Need to code for a very small aspect ratio. I also want to take large resolution landscape images and make them take up much more horizontal space. (Similar to Medium.)
