Towards Methodologically Inclusive Research Syntheses: Expanding possibilities

Sunday, Jul. 12 2015, 09:12:53 AM
Edited: Sunday, Jul. 12 2015, 09:15:20 AM

Chapter 1

 bzichett - 9 years, 7 months ago Open

pg 5

This book does not claim a comprehensive coverage of the possibilities within research syntheses for several reasons. First, contemporary educational research methods and perspectives are changing at such a rapid rate that any claim of comprehensiveness will be outdated by the time the work is published. Second, no single individual can rightfully claim expertise in all forms of research synthesis. Third, I humbly accept my limited experience and knowledge in various primary research methods and research synthesis methods. This book exemplifies a‘non-mastery approach...that can tolerate its own failure of knowledge and the detour of not understanding’. This book thus represents my ‘situated, partial, and perspectival knowing that, while not knowing everything, does know something’(Lather 1999, p. 4). Nonetheless, this book makes a worthy contribution to the continuing development of the field of research synthesis by constructing a new connected understanding.
