4: Water
See the flow of ideas by looking back and forward
Successful innovators harness the power of a flow of ideas
Great solutions come from an evolutionary process, often with thousands of contributors
Just do it then iterate
Newton himself said his success and realizations were from standing on the shoulders of giants
All creative geniuses start as non geniuses and take baby steps from there
Ask yourself what previous ideas extend into the new idea at hand
Guessing what's next anchors what's there
Look back and reflect on previously gained knowledge and insights
New ideas should be viewed as a beginning
All ideas have extensions, you just have to find them
Modern day kids have the advantage of seeing the way the world is right now without any biases from the past (&I)
Ask what's next and follow the if this then that path
Think 1 step back to imagine 1 step forward
Realize that we are all prejudicial
The best state is a state of working progress
Remember to look back and reflect on the past (reflexology)