I know my first post was explicit. I am open to a fault. Some would say that I'm blunt; it will not come as a shock that I plan to write entries that might trigger some, and seem inappropriate to others (namely my relatives). I will make every effort to have a trigger warning in these entries; however, I am writing this journal to show people they have allies, and more importantly, it isn't shameful to feel positive about sexuality. It is important that there are public resources for people of all types.
While I can "pass" as a straight, hetero-normative cis-female, I strongly believe that no one should feel deviant or alone because they have different opinions (or opinions that might be less popular). I would ask the people who are close to me and prefer to not think about the details of my sex life or my deviance exercise their personal judgement about whether they WANT information, rather than asking me to censor myself due to the unseemly content of my personal blog. I am aware of the problems this might pose to future employment and the likelihood of judgement. Trust that I am doing this consciously and conscientiously. I am "warning" you in case you weren't aware.
That being said, this journal is about me as a whole person. My sexuality is part of my whole person. I will be posting things about blow jobs...about sexy times, and I intend to talk about vaginas AND penises. If these words offend you, I suggest that you refrain from reading. I don't believe that premarital sex is shameful. In fact, I don't think that any kind of sex is shameful. I tie emotional attachment to sex, but I will be referring to research on the brain chemicals that make sex emotional. I believe that the institute of marriage is far from a blessed union. I am not religious. I don't judge other people's' right to be with, marry, or live with whomever they choose. I don't believe that christianity is inherently wrong or misguided, just like sweeping generalizations are usually limited in scope. I don't believe that people can be damned, or perfect. People are inherently unable to be perfect, and damnation is a construct meant to inspire people to be fearful in order to better themselves.
People have a hard time admitting that they are wrong. I believe passionately in science AND miracles. I believe in adaptation and evolution. I believe in honoring people's' perception of themselves. This means honoring the pronouns they choose, and working to decrease the male/female dichotomy that pervades popular culture.
If you disagree, I understand. I don't dislike or disapprove. These points of view are points of view that I have worked hard to establish. I am not certain that I am open to change. I am stating this so that those reading this blog aren't surprised by my reactions and comments. I encourage discussion, but please kindly refrain from asking me to take down blogs if you're offended or you believe that I'm causing offense to someone else. I am not representing myself as your spokesperson. Please don't try to be mine.
End Rant.
(Published Dec 2, 2015 on Blogspot: Why Explicit; Sharing Details With Your Family is Unseemly)
The world needs more people that speak openly of the intricacies of their thoughts and feelings...WITHOUT regard to societal norms. I believe that social correctness is a repressive force on humanity working to insulate people against each others, stifling mutual understanding and true human connection. In my opinion, if a person truly cares about you and/or is a decent human they will seek to understand you or at least accept you for who you are and what you believe. If they don't, I don't think they are worth your concern.