Eat That Frog

Saturday, Sep. 10 2016, 11:03:12 AM
Edited: Friday, Aug. 21 2020, 01:03:53 PM


  • Author: Brian Tracy

  • Amazon Link

  • Notes by: Alex Zichettello

Chapter 1: Introduction

  • You will never catch up; there will always be more to do than you have time for (&K,&I)

  • You cannot teach someone that which he doesn't know, you could only bring that which someone knows to a higher level of awareness -Galileo (&K)

  • Learn from other successful people then apply what you learned

  • To succeed you need to focus on the most important thing and do it well and see it through to completion (&I)

  • This book is about actions, not science or theory or psychology

  • 21 methods and techniques that apply to various aspects of success

  • Prioritization and getting the important things done is the best way to find success (&I,&K)

  • Work on the hardest of the most important challenges first (&I)

  • Don't think about things you know you have to do; just do them first thing in the morning (&K,&I)

  • 95% of success comes from the habits you develop (&K,&I)

  • Important task completion gives you a rush of endorphins and dopamine such that it can easily become a habit if you just start and make it a routine

    • Become addicted to starting and completing important tasks

    • Think continuously about the rewards and benefits of being an action oriented person and it will come more naturally

  • Clarity of purpose is the most important part of personal productivity (&I)

  • A great rule to follow is to think on paper (&I)

  • 7 step formula

    • 1. Decide exactly what you want

    • 2. Write it down

    • 3. Set a deadline on your goal

    • 4. Make a list of everything you will need to do to complete your goal

    • 5. Organize your list into a plan

    • 6. Take action immediately

    • 7. Resolve to do something every day that moves you towards your major goal

  • Never miss a day

  • Think about your goals and review them daily and then take action right away

Chapter 2: Plan every day in advance

  • Make good plans before you act (&I)

    • A few minutes of planning each day saves lots of wasted energy throughout the day

  • Always work from a list (&I)

  • You can make your list the night before to get your subconscious solving problems

  • You should have a master list, monthly list, weekly list and daily list (&K)

  • Set priorities and sequences (&K)

  • Make a master list in Laddice and organize into monthly, weekly and daily tasks based on priorities (*T)

Chapter 3: Apply the 80-20 rule to everything

  • Most people procrastinate the vital few and busy themselves with unimportant items (&K)

  • Always ask yourself if what you're doing is in the top 20% or bottom 80% and never do the bottom 80% until the top 20% is complete (&I)

Chapter 4: Consider the consequences

  • The potential consequences of an activity is the key way to evaluate the importance of a task (&K)

  • Long term perspective is the best way to success (&I)

    • Long term thinking improves short term decision making

  • Before starting anything ask yourself what are potential consequences of doing or not doing it

  • Future intent influences present actions (&K)

  • Successful people delay gratification

  • There is never enough time to do everything but often plenty of time to do the most important things (&K)

  • Research shows that the pressure of deadlines and the resulting stress reduce efficiency (&K,&I)

  • What can you and only you do that will make a difference? (&K)

Chapter 5: Practice creative procrastination

  • Procrastinate or delegate low value activities (&K)

  • Avoid unconscious procrastination at all costs (&I)

Chapter 6: Practice the ABCDE method continuously

  • The first law of success is concentration

  • ABCDE method:

    • A = high impact, high importance item

    • B = important but not nearly as much as A

    • C = not important but nice to do

    • D = something that could be delegated

    • E = something that could be eliminated

  • Then label each item in order of importance

    • A1 is the biggest frog

  • Try ABCDE method (*T)

Chapter 7: Focus on key result areas

  • There are generally 5 to 7 key vital functions you need to perform in any job

  • What are my key result areas? (&I)

  • Your poorest key result area is what holds you back (&I)

  • Identify your areas of weakness and set goals to improve them (&I)

  • What 1 skill if developed well would have the greatest impact on my career?

  • Never stop improving your key result areas

  • What are my key result areas? (*+T)

  • What are my poorest areas? (*+T)

  • Work on weakest areas (*T)

Chapter 8: The law of 3

  • The ultimate goal is generally to live a long and happy life

  • Determine the 3 most important things I do at work and then ask what would be the impact of doing just those things and nothing else (&K)

    • Do this for all aspects of life too

  • What are the 3 most important things I do at work and in life? Can I just do those things? (*T)

Chapter 9: Prepare thoroughly before you begin

  • Have everything you need at hand before you begin and executing will be much easier

  • Make your work area nice and comfortable to complete tasks

  • Get it 80% right the first time then correct it later (&K)

  • Consider making work area nicer (*T)

Chapter 10: Take it one oil barrel at a time

  • Focus on one thing at a time

Chapter 11: Upgrade your key skills

  • A major contributor to procrastination is a feeling of inadequacy in one or more areas required to complete the task (&K)

    • So you need to learn the things you feel you are inadequate in

  • Continuous learning is required to succeed in any field

    • Read in your field for at least an hour a day

    • Take courses and seminars

    • Listen to audio books and programs in the car

  • Turn driving time into learning time and it could be enough to become an expert in any field (&K)

  • Identify the key skills that will help you the most in your field and develop those skills

Chapter 12: Leverage your special talents

  • Identify your special area of uniqueness and then become very good in those areas

    • What do you naturally do well that others have to struggle with?

  • What do you enjoy the most?

  • What is my special area of uniqueness and how can I develop it? (*T)

Chapter 13: Identify your key constraints

  • What is holding you back or slowing you down? (&I)

  • Identify the current limiting factor

  • Once you eliminate one constraint there is always the next one to conquer (&K)

  • Eliminating key constraints is often the most important frog and always feels good to get it done (&I,&K)

  • Identify my key constraints and work to eliminate them (*T)

Chapter 14: Put the pressure on yourself

  • Only about 2% of people could work entirely without supervision; we call them leaders (&K)

  • Always look for ways to go the extra mile

  • Build up your reputation to yourself (&I,&K)

  • Work as though you have only one day to complete the task at hand

  • Create your own forcing system and set deadlines and sub deadlines on all activities (&I)

  • Estimate the time it will take to finish each item then race to win and complete it faster making it a game (&K)

  • Always have personal deadlines for everything I set out to do then try to beat them (*T)

Chapter 15: Maximize your personal powers

  • Stay fully rested (&I)

  • Identify the times of the day you at your best and use those times to accomplish your most challenging tasks (&I,&K)

  • Sometimes the very best use of your time is to go home early and sleep for 10 hours straight (&I,&K)

  • Take 1 full day off per week and do nothing that taxes your brain on that day; spend time with family or friends, watch a movie, exercise, etc. (&I,&K)

  • Take vacations

  • Start day with high protein, low fat, low carb breakfast (&I)

  • Avoid very sugary things (&I)

  • Exercise for 30 minutes a day (&I)

  • Make sure I emphasize a healthy lifestyle in order to stay productive (*T)

    • Plenty of sleep

    • Working at peak hours (6-9AM)

    • Days off for rest (1 a week?)

    • Vacations

    • Nutrition

    • Exercise

    • Meditate*

Chapter 16: Motivate yourself into action

  • Be an optimist and always respond positively to people and actions and events (&I)

  • Continue to tell yourself you can do it

  • The last great freedom of mankind is the freedom to choose your attitude under any external situation - Viktor Frankl (Logotherapy) (&K,&I)

  • Never share your problems with others because 80% don't care and about 20% are glad you have the problems (&K)

  • Optimists: (&I)

    • 1) Always find the positive

    • 2) Always find the lesson from each set back

    • 3) Become action oriented instead of blaming and complaining

    • Optimists also think a lot about their goals and future, not their past or where they have came from

  • Talking to your self in a positive way gives you a sense of power and control (&K,&I)

  • You become what you think about most of the time

  • Refuse to criticize, complain or blame for anything (&I)

  • Focus on keeping optimistic (*T)

Chapter 17: Get out of the technological time sinks

  • There is more to life than just speed -Gandhi (&K)

  • Detach from technology on a regular basis

  • Discipline yourself to use technology as a servant, not a master

  • Just leave things off

  • There is no need to read or watch the news...if something is important people will tell you at their first opportunity! (&K)

    • You just need to have a social network or be around people enough (&KA)

  • Try avoiding using technology at times that it makes sense (*T)

Chapter 18: Slice and dice the task

  • Salami slice approach

    • Divide task into many slices and do one slice at a time

  • Swiss cheese approach

    • Working for a set time period and then resting

    • This is likened to the pomodoro technique (&KA)

  • Compulsion to completion is often experienced (&K)

  • Salami slice and swiss cheese methods are great ways to overcome procrastination

Chapter 19: Create large chunks of time

  • Make appointments with yourself and be disciplined to keep them

  • Getting up early in the morning when no one else could bother is a great way to get a lot done

  • Work on an airplane

  • Work uninterrupted and steady during the allocated time block (&K)

    • This allows you to get things done faster

  • Try creating appointments on my calendar to get important things done (*T)

  • Try working through an activity without interruption (*T)

Chapter 20: Develop a sense of urgency

  • Work steadily

  • Get into a flow state

  • What is flow? (*RT)

  • An inner drive of urgency often contributes to achieving flow (&K)

  • The momentum effect

  • Keep repeating:

    • “Do it now”

    • “Back to work”

  • Try getting into a state of flow (*T)

Chapter 21: Single handle every task

  • Keep working on a project continuously till it is complete

  • Concentrate single mindedly on the most important task and don't stop

  • The more you discipline yourself to work through a task, the greater efficiency you develop (&K)

  • Self discipline leads to higher self respect which leads to a greater ability to be more self disciplined (&K,&I)

  • Summary of the 21 great ways to conquer procrastination (*RT)

  • Review and outline summary (*T)

 LaddiceLearnings - 8 years, 5 months ago Open

You will never catch up; there will always be more to do than you have time for


 LaddiceLearnings - 8 years, 5 months ago Open

You cannot teach someone that which he doesn't know, you could only bring that which someone knows to a higher level of awareness -Galileo


 LaddiceLearnings - 8 years, 5 months ago Open

To succeed you need to focus on the most important thing and do it well and see it through to completion


 LaddiceLearnings - 8 years, 5 months ago Open

Important task completion gives you a rush of endorphins and dopamine such that it can easily become a habit if you just start and make it a routine

  • Become addicted to starting and completing important tasks

  • Think continuously about the rewards and benefits of being an action oriented person and it will come more naturally


 LaddiceLearnings - 8 years, 5 months ago Open

Clarity of purpose is the most important part of personal productivity


 LaddiceLearnings - 8 years, 5 months ago Open

Long term perspective is the best way to success

  • Long term thinking improves short term decision making


 LaddiceLearnings - 8 years, 5 months ago Open

Research shows that the pressure of deadlines and the resulting stress reduce efficiency


 LaddiceLearnings - 8 years, 5 months ago Open

Procrastinate or delegate low value activities

  • Avoid unconscious procrastination at all costs


 LaddiceLearnings - 8 years, 5 months ago Open
ABCDE method
  • Assign ABCDE:

    • A = high impact, high importance item

    • B = important but not nearly as much as A

    • C = not important but nice to do

    • D = something that could be delegated

    • E = something that could be eliminated

  • Then label each item in order of importance

    • A1 is the biggest frog (the most important thing to do each day)


 LaddiceLearnings - 8 years, 5 months ago Open

Focus on one thing at a time


 LaddiceLearnings - 8 years, 5 months ago Open

A major contributor to procrastination is a feeling of inadequacy in one or more areas required to complete the task

  • So you need to learn the things you feel you are inadequate in


 LaddiceLearnings - 8 years, 5 months ago Open

Identify the times of the day you at your best and use those times to accomplish your most challenging tasks


 LaddiceLearnings - 8 years, 5 months ago Open

The last great freedom of mankind is the freedom to choose your attitude under any external situation - Viktor Frankl (Logotherapy)


 LaddiceLearnings - 8 years, 5 months ago Open

Discipline yourself to use technology as a servant, not a master


 LaddiceLearnings - 8 years, 5 months ago Open

A great rule to follow is to think on paper


Read more by LaddiceLearnings