Questions Series: Don't Be Evil

Tuesday, Jun. 09 2020, 05:08:47 PM
Edited: Tuesday, Jun. 09 2020, 09:48:08 PM
WritingHealthy SoulLife PlanningQuestion Series

Questions Series

The purpose of these is to truly question what I don’t understand. There is no stance, or even any real facts. It is an openness to thoughts and more importantly questions.

Question 1: Don’t Be Evil

Don’t be evil. Seems simple enough, just don’t be evil. But what is it to be evil? Harming others? Breaking the law?

Are there exceptions to being evil? For instance, to protect yourself or your loved one or a stranger. Maybe a law is unjust or discriminatory. Would it still be considered evil then? Were revolutionaries or pilgrims or protesters evil?

So who decides? Your parents, your government, your elders, or perhaps you? If someone must decide than is the statement, don’t be evil or don’t be evil enough?

To be evil enough, one must garner some sort of attention. They must also have history against them. After all, we’re taught about villains from a young age. Benedict Arnold, Cruella de Ville, Adolf Hitler, and Voldemort, all evil enough. Seems simple again. But as we learn more with experience and technology advancement reveals more resources we learn more context. With the rise in popularity of dark heroes and complex villains the simplicity becomes muddled.

If we garner no attention and if history remembers us well, then it may not be evil enough and if it isn’t evil enough than how do we know that it is evil at all?

People are complicated. After all, monsters aren’t born, they are made. If monsters are a product of society, of their environments and upbringings, then should society not take part in the blame of their villainy? What does it say about a society that could produce such darkness?

Is this then the purpose of change and growth? The inevitable progressivism most often found in the youth of the world, is this their purpose? With each new generation comes a new wave of ideas and hope in an effort to cast light on the ever encroaching darkness that society produces. Can we carry this torch into our later years?

When is the right time to shine that light? To make your stance or challenge the status quo of the world? When you’ve finally determined that something is evil? Or that it is just evil enough?